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Bank Reconciliations

Easily reconcile your bank statements with transactions in Jaz

Updated today

I. Bank Accounts Overview

Q1. Can I edit a bank account?

  • Yes, you can edit a bank account from the reconciliations tab OR the chart of Accounts tab.

Q2. What is Jaz balance & Statement balance?

  • The statement balance is the sum of all unreconciled and reconciled statement lines, not taking into consideration deleted statement lines.

  • The Jaz balance is the sum of all the transactions that use the bank account as a payment account.

  • The two balances might not always be equal. For example, the balances will not match if the value of the statement lines imported is higher than the amounts of all available transactions in Jaz.

Q3. How do I access all transactions that are affecting my Jaz balance on a payment account?

  • Clicking on Jaz Balance will bring you to the Cashflows page, only showing cashflow transactions involving the payment account.

II. Managing Bank Statements

Q4. How can I import a bank statement?

  • Select a bank account that you want to import a statement for and import a bank statement.

  • Configure the import settings for the import by assigning columns in your bank statements to fields in Jaz.

    • Note: The statement date and amount fields must be assigned to a column in your statement.

  • You can review the imported statement lines before finishing.

Q5. What file formats are compatible with statement uploads?

  • You can upload your statements in a CSV file format or as a PDF.

Q6. Will Jaz let me configure the columns from the statement PDF file?

  • Yes, Jaz will extract the columns from the uploaded PDF file and let you assign them to fields in Jaz.

Q7. How do I set the date format for records imported from the PDF?

  • If all the dates in the uploaded PDF file are in the same format, Jaz will detect it and you will not have to manually set it.

  • However, if there is more than 1 date format detected in the uploaded PDF file, Jaz will provide a date selector for you to set a date format for all the records in the file.

Q8. What if there are errors in the uploaded PDF statement file?

  • Jaz will extract statement lines from the uploaded PDF file and create a downloadable CSV file for reviewing discrepancies, if any.

  • Alternatively, you can still import the statement lines with no errors. Jaz will ignore the ones with issues and import the rest.

Q9. Can I import a statement in one currency into a bank account that uses a different currency?

  • The final statement amounts that get recorded in Jaz will be in the currency of the bank account in Jaz, not the currency of the amounts in the bank statement.

  • Jaz will not do any automatic conversion between the different currencies, and will solely take the numerical amounts as is.

  • For example, a statement line that has 50 USD as its amount will be automatically recorded in Jaz as 50 USD, when importing to a USD bank account, or 50 SGD if importing into a SGD bank account.

Q10. Can I review the statement lines before they are imported into the system?

  • Yes, Jaz will let you review all the statement lines before they are imported into your bank account on Jaz.

Q11. Can I delete a bank statement line?

  • Yes, you can delete a bank statement line individually via the 3-dot menu on the statement line OR you can bulk-delete by selecting multiple statement lines at once from both reconciled & unreconciled tabs.

Q12. Is it possible to retrieve a deleted statement line?

  • Yes, you can. Under the Deleted tab for the bank account, you will find a list of deleted statement lines.

  • Undelete individual statement line OR bulk undelete to move it back to the Unreconciled tab.

III. Reconciliation Overview

Q13. Why aren't there any records available for reconciliation initially, and why do they only appear after hitting refresh?

  • Jaz filters available records, listing transactions that match the cash flow direction.

  • If you do not see any records listed upon the first load, that means there are no transactions in Jaz that have the same cash flow direction.

    • Hit reset to list all the transactions in Jaz, including those that do not match the cash flow direction.

Q14. What are the ways a bank statement can be reconciled in Jaz?

Transaction Type


Import Reconciliations

  • Download unreconciled records, and update the downloaded Excel with reconciliation details.

  • 500 statements can be reconciled using imports.

Quick Reconciliations

  • Multi-select unreconciled records and use the quick reconcile option to create journal entries for each record with the same accounts.

Invoice/Bill Receipt

  • Invoice/Bill receipts created from the reconciliation flow create invoices/bills and payments in the statement line's bank account, with the payment date matching the statement line date.

Cash-in/Cash-out Journal

  • This is a templated journal for quick reconciliation to capture the transfer of money between the statement line bank account & any other non-bank/non-cash account.

    • Cash-in journal automatically debits the statement line bank account, while the other selected account is credited.

    • Cash-out journal automatically credits the statement line bank account, while the other selected account is debited.

Cash Transfer Journal

  • This is a templated journal for quick reconciliation to capture money movement between 2 bank accounts.

  • For Cash-in statement line -

    • Select an account from which the money is transferred to the statement line's bank account. (i.e. add credit entry)

  • For Cash-out statement line -

    • Select an account to which the money is transferred from the statement line's bank account. (i.e. add debit entry)

Journal Entry

  • A Journal where you can add multiple balancing debit/credit entries using any non-bank/non-cash COAs added in the org.

  • For Cash-in statement line -

    • The statement line entry is recorded as a debit entry

  • For Cash-out statement line -

    • The statement line entry is recorded as a credit entry

Transactions created in Jaz

  • Select any existing unreconciled transactions in Jaz to reconcile the statement line.

  • Select 1/more transactions to reconcile the statement line.

Add Adjustment entry

  • After selecting Jaz transactions, if the amount still does not match the statement line completely, an adjustment entry with the balance amount can be added.

Q15. Can I do reconciliations in bulk?

  • Yes, Jaz supports bulk reconciliations in 2 ways -

    • Importing Reconciliations

      • Use this feature if you want to individually create journal entries in Excel for the unreconciled records.

    • Quick reconciliations from UI

      • Use this feature if you want to quickly bulk reconcile records by using the same journal entry account for all the journal entries created for every selected unreconciled record.

Q16. How can I bulk reconcile records using the import reconciliation feature?

  • Download your unreconciled statement lines, and fill in the details as needed on the reconciliation template.

  • After filling the template up, save the template and upload it. You will be able to review the reconciliations and the journal entries that will be created.

  • Note: You can import up to 500 new reconciliations with the template.

Q17. How can I bulk reconcile using the Quick reconcile feature?

  • Select desired unreconciled records and use the quick reconcile feature to create individual journal entries in the background for each record.

  • Just enter the Journal reference & journal account which will be used to create a balancing entry.

    • Every single journal created from this flow will have the same journal reference & journal account. The journal amount will be based on the unreconciled record amount.

    • The journals created will match the bank account's currency.

      • If its created in FX currency, you can set the exchange rate of all the journals getting created from the quick reconcile flow OR Jaz will fetch the organization rate if available OR fetch it from 3rd party.

Q18. How can I reconcile a statement with a new invoice/bill?

  • To reconcile a bank statement against a new invoice/bill, you can create a new invoice/bill receipt.

  • The details for the invoice/bill receipt will be automatically filled in for you based on the bank statement line.

Q19. What are Cash-in / Cash-out Journals? How can I use them to reconcile a statement?

  • Cash-in / Cash-out journal template allows for quick journal creation & statement reconciliation.

  • The 1st line entry in the journal is always extracted from the statement line to be reconciled.

    • If it's a Cash-in journal, the statement line bank account is debited.

    • If it's a Cash-out journal, the statement line bank account is credited.

  • You can add 1 or more balancing journal entry lines in the template.

    • If it's a Cash-in journal, the balancing entries will be credited.

    • If it's a Cash-out journal, the balancing entries will be debited.

  • If the statement line bank account is in foreign currency, you can set a custom rate for the journal / Jaz will set the org rate if available on the statement line date/fetch from 3rd party.

Q20. What are Cash Transfer Journals? How can I use them to reconcile a statement?

  • Cash Transfer Journal is a quick way to capture money movement between the statement line bank account & other bank accounts added to your organization.

  • For Cash-in statement line -

    • You only need to select the account from which the money is transferred to the statement line's bank account. (i.e. add credit entry)

    • Jaz will get the debit/credit amount & date from the statement line.

  • For Cash-out statement line -

    • You only need to select the account to which the money is transferred from the statement line's bank account. (i.e. add debit entry)

    • Jaz will get the credit/debit amount & date from the statement line.

  • If the cash transfer is between 2 bank accounts of different currencies, Jaz will calculate the transaction rate on the fly based on the amount entered by you and the statement line amount.

Q21. Can I create a Journal transaction to reconcile against a bank statement transaction?

  • Yes, you can create a journal transaction from the reconciliation screen.

  • This templated journal is less rigid compared to cash-in/cash-out journals OR cash-transfer journals.

  • In this Journal you can add debit/credit entries irrespective of whether the entry in question is cash-in / cash-out.

    • In the 1st line, the debit/credit amount will be automatically added for you, based on the cash-flow direction of the bank statement being reconciled.

    • Jaz will also autofill the account & amount from the statement line. You will need to add balancing entries as required.

    • Journal currency is also set the same as the statement line currency.

      • If the statement line is in base currency -

        • you can add balancing journal entries by selecting any of the base currency accounts.

        • You can also use non-base currency accounts. To learn how to set exchange rates for a non-base currency account, refer to: Manual Journal Guide

      • If the statement line is in non-base currency -

        • You can either create a balanced non-base currency Journal OR change the currency to the base currency & then create. For more details on handling non-base currency journals, refer to: Manual Journal Guide

    • Note that you cannot partially reconcile a statement line with a journal transaction.

Q22. Can I use a combination of transactions, payments, adjustment entries, journal entry & receipts to reconcile a statement line?

  • Transactions, payments & adjustment entries can be combined to reconcile a statement line.

    • However, journal entries & receipts cannot be used in any combinations. They must be reconciled in full.

Q23. How can I partially use a transaction to reconcile with a statement line?

  • To partially reconcile with a statement line, you can change the Match Amount for a transaction that you would like to partially use for reconciliation.

Q24. How can I reconcile a statement line with a cross-currency transaction?

  • When you select a cross-currency transaction to reconcile with a statement line, you will be asked to add the cash received/spent in the statement line's currency.

Q25. How do I reconcile a statement if I can only partially reconcile it with the transactions available in Jaz?

  • You can add an adjustment to fully reconcile the statement.

  • Adding an adjustment is similar to creating a journal entry. Adjustment entries have information like the bank account already filled in.

  • Adjustment journals are created in the statement line's currency.

    • If the statement line is in base currency, simply add the balancing entries.

    • If the statement line is in non-base currency, You can modify the exchange rate of the adjustment journal by clicking on the currency ISO in the debit/credit header.

Q26. Is there a limit to the number of line items I can add to an adjustment journal?

  • You can have a maximum of 4 journal entry lines in an adjustment journal.

Q27. Where can I see the transactions used to reconcile a statement line?

  • To see the transactions used, click on the reconciled statement line.

  • This will bring up the details for the reconciled statement line, including the list of transactions used to reconcile the statement line.

Q28. Are transaction fee amounts considered when doing reconciliations?

  • When loading the list of payments available for reconciliation, the amount shown will be net cash amounts. Reconciliations will be done against this net cash amount.

    • For invoice payments & customer credit refunds, the net amount excludes the fee amount.

    • For bill payments and supplier credit refunds, the net amount includes the fee amount.

  • If you are reconciling against a transaction instead of a payment, you will be able to indicate transaction fees when recording new payments during the reconciliation process.

IV. Resetting Reconciliations

Q29. How can I reset reconciliations? What happens to the corresponding business transaction records? Will it impact my financial reports?

  • The corresponding business transaction records previously used for matching will be unmatched.

  • There will be no further impact on your financial reports. However, previously created transactions such as journal entries used for adjustments will remain recorded.

  • You can reset the reconciled statement lines individually using the 3-dot menu or you can bulk reset by multi-selecting desired records.

Q30. Are there any other triggers to reset reconciliation apart from manually resetting the statement lines?

  • Yes, there are a couple of ways you can reset reconciliations -

    • Updating the net payment amount of the payment record used for reconciliation

    • Updating the payment account of the payment record used for reconciliation

    • Updating the debit/credit amount of the payment account of the journal entry used for reconciliation

    • Updating the payment account in the journal entry used for reconciliation

V. Exporting Records

Q31. Can I export a list of unreconciled records?

  • Yes, you can download a list of both unreconciled & reconciled records in Jaz.

  • You can export a list for all time, or choose a custom date range.

  • The final export will show a list of all unreconciled transaction records that have the bank account as its payment account in the Unreconciled Records Tab.

  • You can also view unreconciled bank statement lines under the Bank Statement Lines tab.

Q32. Can I export a list of reconciled records?

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