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Email Templates

Allows you to manage and customize email templates for transactions and reminders within your organization.

Updated this week

Q1. What emails can I customize?

  • You can customize emails related to:

    • Transactions:

      • Invoice

      • Invoice Payment

      • Customer Credit

      • Customer Refunds

    • Reminders:

      • Customer Statement

      • Payment Reminder

Q2. How can I create a new email template?

  • To create a new email template:

    • Navigate to Settings > Templates> Emails> Choose a tab: Transactions/Reminders and click on New Template.

Q3. What can I edit in the email templates?

  • You can customize the following for your emails:

    • Template Name

    • CC/Reply-to Emails

    • Subject

    • Email Message

    • Currency Format

Q4. Can I further customize my emails with placeholders?

  • Yes, each email template includes specific placeholders that you can use to customize your message. Use these to auto-fill details in your email templates.

Q5. Can I duplicate email templates or organize them?

  • Yes, you can duplicate email templates.

Q6. What are default email templates and how do they work?

  • There are two types of default templates:

    • Template default for the organization: This is the default for all emails unless a specific contact default is set.

    • Template default for a contact: Applied when a specific email template is set under Contacts. It overrides the organization default when the contact is selected during transaction creation or editing.

Q7. Can I set default email templates during the contact import process?

  • Yes, default email templates can be assigned during contact import. The contact import template includes columns for selecting an email template per contact.

Q8. What happens if I update an existing email template?

  • Updates to an existing template will apply to all future emails using that template.

  • Previously sent emails will not be affected.

  • You can preview changes before sending emails through the email preview option before sending an email.

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