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Tax Profiles

Set up Tax Profiles that you can use and apply across different business transactions.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Q1. How do I add a new GST/VAT profile?

  • Under Settings > Configurations > GST Profiles/VAT Profiles

  • Clicking on + New Profile will add a new GST/VAT profile.

  • The newly created GST/VAT profile should show up in the list of GST/VAT profiles.

Q2. How do I edit a GST/VAT profile?

  • Under Settings > Configurations > GST Profiles/VAT Profiles

  • Click on the menu (3 dots) on your desired GST/VAT profile to edit, and choose Edit.

  • Modify the fields (name, type or rate) as desired.

Q3. How do I use a GST/VAT profile?

Before using VAT profiles in business transactions, you must first adjust the transaction VAT settings under the transaction settings.

  • Choose between GST/VAT Included in Price or GST/VAT Excluded in Price.

  • After selecting either GST/VAT included in Price or GST/VAT excluded in Price, a new Select GST/VAT field will appear.

  • You can choose from the pre-existing GST/VAT profiles, or select profiles that were added in.

  • The tax amounts will then be updated accordingly, on the transaction total summary.

Q4. Can I use a GST/VAT profile for shipping?

Q5. What is a GST/VAT type?

  • GST/VAT Type refers to the categorization of the VAT profile.

  • This is pre-selected by Jaz. New GST/VAT profile types cannot be added in.

Q6. Will changing or deleting the GST/VAT profile affect existing data?

  • If you change the GST/VAT profile via Configurations, the change will show up in any transactions that will make use of the GST/VAT profile moving forward. Transactions already created will not be affected.

  • However, if the change is made on a transaction level, only the GST/VAT profile for the transaction itself will be affected.

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